… what are yours right now? Write them down, even if it’s just one, write it down.

Now look at what you’ve written and, if there’s more than one take each one in turn, transport yourself forward to the time when you’ve achieved your goal… What will you do? What won’t you do? How will you celebrate? How will you feel? What will those closest to you think / do / say?

Then leave the future and come back to today… how much do you really want those goals? Give yourself a score out of 10… if it’s less than 8 then either cross it off or reword it so it’s a 9 or 10.

Now take each goal left on your list (which has scored 8 or more) and work out what you’re going to do before bedtime tomorrow to start making it real. … go on… remember what it will be like once you’ve done it and make a commitment to yourself to make it real…. and soon enough it will be.

Let me know how you go. Good luck!